Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Send your loved ones our new Labor Day e card

Hi all,

For those of you who don't know, Labor Day this year takes place on the 5th of September and to celebrate this historic event we have created an inspirational Labor Day e card that encapsulates the spirit of the day with an animation of people working together using various building and joinery skills to build a huge 'Happy Labor Day' sign. As usual with all Katies Cards e cards, accompanying the animation is some uplifting music which has been specifically composed for the card.

labour day build

Labor Day is an extremely historic day and the first time this day was observed was on September 5th 1882. It became a federal holiday in 1894 following a number of workers deaths during the Pullman strike. The first Labor Day celebrations were outlined in the first proposal of the holiday and were a street parade for workers and then a festival involving family and friends. Today people across the globe celebrate this holiday with barbeques and fairs involving their communities and the Labor Day e-card certainly reflects the 'coming together of a community'. So in the spirit of Labor Day, why not use your Katies Cards personal membership account to pre-schedule a delivery of this commemorative card to all of your friends and family to show that you care?

You can easily pre-schedule cards in your membership account by selecting the card that you want to send, adding your own personal message and then setting the delivery date for the desired date you want the recipient to receive it. If you have any questions on how to use any part of your membership account please send us an email and Racheal will answer your query very quickly.

Katie x

P.s. I have recently joined Facebook and would be delighted to become your friend. I am new to social media but will be using my Facebook profile to help keep you up-to-date with the Katies Cards news as well as posting interesting gift and lifestyle ideas and advice. Click here to visit my Facebook page and request friendship with me.

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