Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What does 'Grandparent' mean to you?

Hi all,

Its Grandparents day on 11th September for American's and the 2nd of October for the UK. We're just adding the finishing touches to the e card for you to send and this should be ready for you to pre-schedule deliveries in the next few days.  I will of course let you know when it is up and running, but for now I thought it would be nice to share our thoughts and feelings on Grandparents and what they mean to us.

To me, a Grandparent is the fun person who allows extra treats and cuddles just because. Someone supports mum and dad and always has a shoulder to cry on, whether it be because of a broken heart or a scraped knee.

I would love to know your thoughts on what Grandparents mean to you - whether you are a Grandparent yourself or simply want to share a special message, please comment and let me know what you think! To make a comment please visit my facebook page here and have your say!

Katie x

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