Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Somewhere to find all sorts of eco-friendly products

Hi all,

As you may or may not know, I am passionate about environmental issues and feel that if we have the opportunity to save energy, recycle and buy eco-friendly products then we should try to, as every little adjustment we can make counts (this was one of the reasons that I started making environmentally friendly e cards).

I understand that it can be hard to follow a strict environmentally friendly routine and I have to admit that I cannot always do the things I need to and stay green. We all need a little help and guidance sometimes, so in the name of sharing useful information, I wanted to tell you about a really useful site I have been using for the last couple of years.

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Nigel's Eco Store is a website dedicated to environmentally friendly products. It has an eco-friendly version of practically everything you could ever need in your day-to-day life, from eco-friendly paints, kettles, lawn mowers, toys, to camping equipment and gifts plus, Nigel writes a really good blog full of useful tips and advice covering subjects such as what to do for special occasions, how to clean green, eco money and much more!

Click here to take a look for yourself, hope you find it useful!

Katie x

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