Friday, August 5, 2011

What are you up to this weekend?

Hi all,

What a strange weeks weather we have had here! Some days beautifully sunny and others (like yesterday) rainy and awful. I really hope that the weather this weekend as I am hoping to have another BBQ!

We don't have much planned this weekend which is great as it means Molly and I will do some baking together. She is much better than me and makes the most delicious chocolate chip cookies! She got the recipe from Nigella's book and I managed to find it for you online here incase you want to try it. If you do, please let me know what you think!

I do love a bit of baking, although it doesn't always turn out well though I suppose thats why its interesting - because you never quite know whether your recipe will work! Thats where the inspiration came from for the birthday cake maker birthday e card - its a recipe that always works out well!

Anyway , hope you all have a great weekend!

Katie x

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