Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The UK riots - remember that not all youngsters have caused trouble

Hi all,

Like most of you, I have been shocked and disgusted by the scenes of rioting across the country. I can't believe things have come to this, where some young people feel they can do what they like and not suffer any consequences.

What makes me terribly sad about the actions of these youngsters is that not all youngsters were involved in these disturbances and I worry that these events will change the way other innocent young people will be perceived and treated going forward. Will people be even more scared of groups of teenagers on the street? Will the brave reaction of some people going out to defend their streets turn into anything more sinister?

I guess we will have to wait and see how this pans out over the next few weeks. After a relatively calm night in London last night, who knows whether anything more will happen? All I know is that once again, in the face of adversity, it is heart warming to see that the majority of people are decent and will come together to support each other and their community. This is my favourite image from the Clapham clean up:


You can read more about this story here.

Katie x

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