Monday, September 26, 2011

Autumn fun and don't forget the competition!


Don't you just love autumn? I do, everyone is back at work/school /university after summer holidays feeling rested and ready to take on challenges of year ahead. Halloween is coming up followed swiftly by Fireworks night!

At the moment in Briton, leaves on the trees are turning into beautiful orangey, red and pink and they are lovely to look at. There is nothing more satisfying than walking though lots of leaves and this season really brings out the child in me and brings back memories of building dens, the excitement of playing outside in the dark, halloween, bonfire night and the anticipation that Christmas is coming! Its a magical time of year!

Katie x

P.s. don't forget that Friday is the last day of the Katies Cards competition! Its your last chance to enter to be in with a chance of winning a £15 Amazon voucher so don't delay - enter now! For instructions, please visit:

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