Monday, September 19, 2011

Its talk like a Pirate day today! (and don't forget to enter the competition!)


Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

It all began as a bit of fun between 2 friends in America on September 1995. Now the trend has spread and has captured imaginations and sense of fun of thousands across the globe! People celebrate this light-hearted day with pirate themed parties and other activities.

This is a great day for kids to dress-up and learn about Pirates and on the official website you an find loads of activities for both adults and kids - International Talk Like a Pirate.

Hope you all enjoy the day!

Don't forget to enter the competition for your chance to a £15 Amazon voucher! To enter, please pick your favourite Christmas e-card and tell us why you like it on our facebook page here -

For more clear instructions on how to enter the competition have a look at this old blog post -

Katie x

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