Thursday, September 8, 2011

I heard some roaring in Bushy park...the deers are heading into rutting season

Hi all,

Today whilst taking Plum for her daily walk in Bushy park, I noticed that the deers are beginning to growl and I realised that they are getting ready to go into the rutting season.

The noise they make is very loud and scary! When Nick and I first heard them we thought there were lions in the park!

You can watch them if you are discreet though you do have to be extra careful because they can be aggressive towards people (and dogs) if you get too close. At the moment, the males are beginning to growl and and will begin sparring soon to find out who is the dominant male of the group and who has mating rights. Males also 'size each other up' by parallel walking, roaring at each other and clashing antlers all of which is a brilliant sight!

This is a very inspiring and exciting time of year and a time when I start to think about Christmas e card ideas. The deers reminded me of the Seasonal Stag Christmas e-card we have to send at Christmas time which really gets me in the mood to cosy up!

Katie x

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